**NEW** We All Have A Day One | Sammie Bennett

“Accepting Anxiety and Depression in my life and the Actions I took to find my “why” It’s true, I deal with anxiety and depression. It’s also true that I am an athlete, sales professional, and an active woman in the community. It’s common to seem “normal” and still have mental health issues because, for many, […]

The Voices In My Head | Ryan Zadrazil

“Over time, I’ve learned to accept myself for who I am, no matter what I look like” On my first day of kindergarten I knew something was off. I cried the whole night before school and didn’t sleep at all. Shortly after, I was put on medications. Unfortunately, they didn’t make much of a difference. […]

A CEO’s Struggle with Self-Injury | Ashley Allen

“Self-injury is a very personal subject and it is many things to many people” I have lived a life full of nearly every variety of trauma- verbal, physical and sexual abuse. I have survived multiple suicide attempts, hospitalizations, several accounts of rape, drug addiction and an angry ex who almost killed me according the the […]

You Are a Worthless Fat Girl | Hope Virgo

“The thing about recovery from Anorexia is that it isn’t a straight line” That was the voice that resonated throughout my head as I looked at myself in the mirror in the gym. Over the last few months that voice had got louder again, shouting… that relentless voice nagging at me. It was so loud […]