This release form is for all content submissions to UNCrushed. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

If you are in need of immediate help, please call 911 or go to the closest hospital

By continuing with this form, you agree to our Contributor Guidelines, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. Once submitted, the team will review and if accepted, we’ll contact you and advise the next steps. Whilst waiting, please familiarize yourself with the Contributor Guidelines.

You agree that you are 18 years of age or older and provide permission for the UNCrushed team to use your story across all of our channels, as required. If you are a minor, please contact us at the email address above.

Enter the links to your personal profiles across the various social platforms you are active on.
How did you hear about UNCrushed?
Please check all that apply
What type of content do you wish to contribute?
How would you like to contribute? (See Contributor Guidelines at top of page)
Are you willing to contribute openly about your personal story to help break the stigmas associated with mental health?
Have you experienced any of the following?
Please check all that apply
What is your contact preference?
Do you want to receive newsletter emails from UNCrushed?

By clicking ‘Submit’ I hereby state that the above is true, to the best of my knowledge. I also confirm that the information here is both accurate and complete, and relevant information has not been omitted. You provide us permission to share your finalized submission publicly across all platforms.